Sunday, January 17, 2010

10 years down the line...

I am back and after a long time. :)

It is not that I have stopped wasting my time thinking about really useless things but I am really a very lazy person at penning down things...ohh sorry typing down things....

So some thoughts on "5-10 years down the line"...very common question.....yes a very common HR question. Until my final year of engineering , I don't remember a single instance when I have ever spent time thinking of this , but afterwards the company HRs made me do so.

Speaking frankly I never had a sincere thoughts on this and most of the time I used to bluff , giving some fancy answers which will work to my advantage.But now a days this question is haunting me more often because now I actually wanted a answer to this. It is one of the most important item of a circle of questions revolving around my stationary mind and hence crossing it after every regular interval.The other being should I go for a MBA or GRE or job? and what kind of girl will get married to? etc etc.

In my earlier blog I wrote life has a real part and an imaginary part. So, today I just closed my eyes and loosened my imagination to take dive into the sea of time and search that pearl , which will answer what should my real part be like few years down the line.

Our lives has two aspects - Personal and Professional.

While its love and relationships that completes and fulfills our personal desires and commitments ,it is knowledge ,integrity and respect when it comes professionalism.

Lets talk about the personal aspect first .10 years down the line and there I want to see myself with my parents,wife,kids and friends. I want to be a good son , a loveable husband , a responsible father and a faithful friend.I want to love and be loved .As Michael Jackson has rightly said "If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with." Love begets peace and satisfaction and happiness.

Now lets come to the professional aspect of ones life. This part used to cover the majority of my stupid answers earlier and mindlessly I used to answer that I want to be a manager ,I want to be this , I want to be that and blah blah.But only after spending two years of my career in this industry ,have I realised that nothing is more important than knowledge,integrity and respect .It would be apt to quote a line from 3 Idiots here "Run after excellence and success will run after you". Learning should always be a major part of ones career and it reminds me one of Steve jobs famous commencement speech where he asks the outgoing Stanford grads always to "Stay foolish,Stay hungry". Learning , its application , making mistakes is what builds Knowledge .Integrity is a second big thing. It is an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting.That says it all, A morality , honesty and sincerity towards your work .And the last is respect. I put it at the last because your learning, knowledge and integrity is what generates respect for you and this things worth a lot more than a managers cabin :). This things make you priceless.Cabin will come anyways :).

It is 2 'o' clock at night and I am signing off now. Not a wonder that you get such thoughts only at night . Its so calm and quite as if everything around you is either sleeping or into some deep thoughts. :)


Unknown said...

Wonderful dude!!!!!!!
nice one!!!!!

Varun said...

yea well dude..all thats fine but dont u think its too abstract..i mean we all want somehow v never hve a "plan" set up to achieve all just happens..if u rem that speech u mentioned..Jobs also talks about connecting the dots backwards..Life's just that

Pratik said...

ya I agree with you Varun.
I loved the word "abstract" in your comment because abstract it was indeed. Somewhere I feel thoughts are meant to be abstract.You know I was just writing my heart down there and when after 3 hours or so when I read , i.e when I told my heart to stop and brains to was indeed a very abstract write-up and this part of the blog is what I selectively filtered keeping the rest of it safe for my next post :)

Sachin Agarwal said...

I never understood one thing... Why do we tend to see ourselves 10 years down the line. Who knows whats next? I mean, if the circumstances change, which generally do change, your plan for entire 10 yrs must change. This means we'll waste half of our time planning.... I know we all want to be managers but we should not plan so much..
So just take life as it comes & follow what your heart says.

As jobs said you can connect those dots 10 yrs later. But dont plan for 10 yrs down the line. Its too unrealistic...